Letter of Wishes templates
Use these templates and examples to quickly build your own Letter of Wishes. There is a PDF version for printing and filling in by hand, or a Word document for completing and then printing.

Letter of Wishes for your Executors or Guardians
This template is aimed at helping your Will executor by providing information that they will need to register your death and start the process of organising your funeral
Use the example for inspiration
Use the Word document for an electronic printed version
Use the PDF to print an empty template to fill in by hand
Letter of Wishes for individual Beneficiaries
This template is aimed at addressing items, messages and memories you want to share with an individual. Ideally you should print 1 or more of these templates for an individual, print them out and put them in a sealed envelope. Write the name of the recipient on the envelope.
Use the example for inspiration
Use the Word document for an electronic printed version
Use the PDF to print an empty template to fill in by hand