Frequently Asked Questions
You’ve Got Questions - We’ve Got Answers
Is Locket legally-binding?
No, Locket is not legally-binding. Instead, it provides you with the space and freedom to set out your intentions and allocate remembrances that have no place in a conventional Will (items of sentimental, rather than monetary value, for instance). No witness is required; no costly visits to the solicitor’s office. To make changes, simply tap the app.

Why should I use LOCKET?
LOCKET is portable, secure, accessible, flexible and more than just a Letter of Wishes.
LOCKET allows you to grow the contents of your Circle and Vault organically, and at your own pace. You don't have to sit down and stress about authoring a comprehensive list of the people and things that you care about. As ideas pop into your head you simply capture them in LOCKET. It's easy.
Multiple versions of your Letter of Wishes are a thing of the past. Your Letter of Wishes won't be hidden on your laptop - or worse still - be left to gather dust with your Will in a locked safe. LOCKET makes your Letter of Wishes an up-to-date, living, breathing repository that you can easily add to and change depending on your circumstances.
New grand child on the scene? No problem. Sold your car? No drama. Bought a new ring? Easy.
How about leaving some personalised messages to your next of kin – or little knick-knacks that only mean something to your best friends (be it a digital photo or a small trinket)? LOCKET is the perfect answer. You can go as small and personal as you like: LOCKET has you covered.
Set your intentions and appoint your Guardians: once they’re in place, they’ll know where to find all the important details (and, if they ever need any help, our support team are on hand to assist).
Is LOCKETÂ a Will?
No. LOCKET is not intended to replace a Will. It should be viewed as a referable appendix to a Will, like a Letter of Wishes, but in digital form. It is worth noting however, that the contents of a Will will take precedence over the contents of LOCKET.
To enhance your Will with LOCKET just make a reference to it in the Will. Your Executors should be aware of it regardless, especially if you have asked them to be your LOCKET Guardians.
Does LOCKET replace the need for a Will?
No. You need a Will to ensure your estate is handled legally and effectively in accordance with your wishes. In the absence of a Will, however, LOCKET can provide insight into your intentions. Our philosophy is that in the absence of anything, it's better than nothing.
Is LOCKET legally binding?
No. LOCKET is intended to be used in a similar way to a Letter of Wishes. This means it is self-authored and not witnessed. It can be referenced in a Will, thought, and Executors can take it into consideration in the same way they would a Letter of Wishes.
When happens to LOCKET when I die? How long will it remain available to my Circle?
Your Guardians will contact us and we will take them through the Unlocking process. Your LOCKET will not be unlocked until we have unquestionable proof of their identity, their appointment by you and your death. We will then unlock your LOCKET for your Beneficiaries to review.
If you have left physical valuables to them, the Guardians will arrange their collection / delivery, subject to the directions of the Executors and probate. If you have left video messages or digital valuables, the Beneficiaries will immediately be able to download them and/or copy them to their LOCKET.
Once all Guardians are satisfied that the contents of your LOCKET have been addressed, then we will archive it to a secure location for 2 years, before finally deleting it.
What if I choose to leave? What happens to my data?
No problem. Simply download your data - using the LOCKET portal - before your subscription expires.
If your subscription expires - or gets cancelled - we will contact you first to confirm you want your account and data deleted.
You cannot download your data during your 5 day trial. After your trial expires we won't necessarily contact you before deleting your account and data.
If you are not sure if LOCKET is for you, try for 3 months with a quarterly subscription. If you like it think about committing longer term, or if it's not for you download your data via the portal and close your account.
Please be aware - as per the terms and conditions - there are no pro-rata refunds.
Is LOCKET going to bombarded me with adverts?
No. LOCKET is advert free and that's a guarantee (we can't stand Apps that do that to you!)
With LOCKET, you're permitted to trial the App and Portal for 5 days without paying a penny. If you wish to proceed with the service then choose to subscribe for a lifetime or an annual or quarterly basis.
There are adverts on the Portal aimed at providing related supporting products or services.
Can people see the contents of my LOCKET before I die?
No. Only you can see the contents, via the App or Portal. Only after you pass, and the Guardians have successfully asked for it to be unlocked by our Admins, can your Beneficiaries see the messages and assets you bequeathed them. This is managed by the Portal.
Do Beneficiaries need to install the App?
No. Beneficiaries can use any Browser (Safari, Google, Chrome, Bing etc) to access the Portal. We strongly encourage Beneficiaries to create a Portal Account in order to keep their contact details relevant, as the Benefactor may not. This makes it easier for the Guardians can contact them. It's free to get an Account, which can be reused if you decide to use LOCKET to create your own digital Letter of Wishes.
Only the Benefactor needs to install the App. The App is currently the only way to add to, and alter, your LOCKET content.

How do I get my own LOCKET?
The LOCKET App is available to download from the UK Apple store (see links at top and bottom of the web site), or search for "My LOCKET UK". It can also be accessed via our online portal.
What is a Guardian?
In the world of LOCKET, your Guardian(s) has a very important role to fulfil: they alone will have the power to ‘unlock’ your LOCKET Vault.
The Vault contains records of your precious possessions – things that would not ordinarily be contained within a Will, but which may hold huge sentimental value: from tokens and trinkets (a necklace which has been passed down, for example) to treasured keepsakes (such as a special photo or letter). You can even leave notes and explanations to your Beneficiaries, to ensure they understand what has been left to them, and why. It’s like a traditional ‘Letter of Wishes’, but in a convenient digital form – and it can be updated as often as you’d like. That’s one of the great things about LOCKET: nothing is set in stone (unless you want it to be!).
In the event of your death, your Guardian(s) will be authorised to unlock the LOCKET Vault and contact the Beneficiaries listed within. Though this is not a legally-binding position, it is a trusted and privileged role, so it’s worth taking some time to consider who would be best placed to carry out your wishes. Ideally, you would choose more than one person (up to 4) to share these duties.
What is the Circle?
In LOCKET lingo, your Circle is a group of your loved ones (AKA Beneficiaries): anyone you might wish to leave something to. Whether it’s a prized possession or something with sentimental (rather than financial) value, LOCKET will help you to ensure that there’s no confusion over who gets what – and why.
Though LOCKET is not a legally-binding mechanism, it will exist as a record of your intentions. That’s why it’s important to be as clear as possible about who is invited to your ‘Circle’.
Not sure what you’d like to leave someone, but sure that they will be getting something? No problem. You can add someone as a Beneficiary without allocating an item to them, and this will be clearly signposted on the app (so you don’t forget!).
In the event of your death, your Guardian(s) will be authorised to unlock the LOCKET Vault and contact the Beneficiaries listed within. At this time, they will be made privy to any thoughts you wished to share with them (and these can be recorded as simple text, audio, or even video files), as well as finding out which gifts (if any) you wished to bequeath.
Note that you can add or remove Beneficiaries at any time (or change what you’d like to leave): Locket is designed to be an ongoing process, offering you maximum flexibility without the hassle/cost of changing your Will or Letter of Wishes, and without hurting anyone’s feelings.
What is the Vault?
The Vault is similar to a ‘Letter of Wishes’: a supplementary device that expresses your wishes with greater detail – and with greater flexibility – than a Will. It’s not legally-binding, but it allows you the space and freedom to set out your wishes and allocate remembrances that have no place in a conventional Will (items of sentimental rather than monetary value, for instance). The great thing about the LOCKET Vault, however, is that it exists in a convenient digital form – and it can be updated as often as you’d like.
Within your Vault, you have the freedom to collate and curate records of your precious possessions – things that would not ordinarily be contained within a Will, but which may hold huge sentimental value: from tokens and trinkets to treasured keepsakes. You can organise these into ‘Collections’ for ease of use, and allocate items according to your liking. How you do this is up to you: you can start by thinking of your Circle of Beneficiaries, and upload items accordingly, or you can simply begin to curate an inventory of the things that matter to you, and leave them unallocated for the time being.
You can even leave notes and explanations to your Beneficiaries, to ensure they understand what has been left to them, and why. In fact, we’d highly recommend that you do so: including personal touches may not only help to avoid confusion following your passing, but also may bring great comfort and joy to your loved ones.
You can catalogue items; add photos; and organise your personal inventory according to your preferences.
The prospect of collating your life’s treasures might not always be easy, but we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible – in the hopes that you might even enjoy your trip down memory lane. Feel free to have fun with it!